
TNL Rocks Podcast

The name TNL Rocks bring back fond memories from the 2000s when alternative & rock dominated the airwaves. Arguably, an entire generation’s culture was defined by one radio station. Even today, TNL Rocks stand out as a brand that defined a generation’s youth; with the old frequency “101.7” still fresh in many people’s minds. On top of that, a lot of the big names you’ll hear on the radio and elsewhere in the local entertainment industry either started at or passed through the TNL Radio Network on their journey to where and who they are today, and we’re bringing some of them back to share their stories.


The Shaman’s Bewitchment

A Familiar Passenger

The Copycat Killers of Kotakethana

The Kotakethana Killer

The Haunting of Priyanthini

The Abduction of Inoka Gallage

The Mystery of Ramani Bartholomeusz

The Bride of Boonwaat

An Unexpected Companion

About this podcast



Sean Hewage

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